While the second book in the newsroom romance series, Traffick Report, is out for final edits and proofing, real-life news reports have taken up an issue the book treats.
The patterns of human trafficking are undeniably horrible yet consistently predictable—victims are enslaved by a life that leads to criminality. That criminality is often viewed as something to be punished, which can result in re-victimization.
No spoilers here, but the story of a girl who falls into that pattern drives many of the events in Traffick Report. It is pure coincidence that this pattern became a headline story just before the upcoming release of the second installment of the Newsroom Romance Series.
My work in the criminal justice system led me to meet a number of women with similar experiences. Aspects of sex work, however, sometimes seem not far removed from the experiences of women (and men) who live seemingly ordinary lives.
Genuine sexual intimacy is one of life’s most profoundly meaningful experiences. While the romance genre tends to focus on sex at its best—connected, soulful, deeply intimate—Traffick Report tries to explore several parts of the spectrum of sexual encounters.
Transactional sex is not necessarily just a money-changing-hands experience, nor does the best sex of a couple’s life necessarily come at convenient times or conventionally appropriate situations.
Don’t worry—there’s at least one happily-ever-after headed your way in Traffick Report. Other potential outcomes, though, lurk just off-stage for several characters, and keeping the awful possibilities from happening requires some superhuman efforts from them. Surprises await!
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